We’ve made some real strides with the SDK and spec in April, including the decision to use Parquet for batches. It will require more work on the client side, so it will have a bit of an impact on the SDK roadmap. We invite you to add your comments and questions to the discussions at forums.projectliberty.io.
April DSNP update — Summary of progress:
- New packages published to NPM: In addition to the SDK package, our contributors have also added two new packages for test utilities, contract code, and ABIs. More information in this post.
- SDK documentation published on documentation website.
- Announce support added to SDK.
- Spec
- Tentative identity spec published.
- Decision made to use Parquet file format for batches.
Draft specification available for:
- Batch announce file format
- Batch announce filtering
- Restyled spec website.
- Code licenses updated to Apache 2.0.
- Developer Portal launched; incorporates new resources, including access to the SDK and spec.
- Tentative specification for batch announce file format.
- Tentative specification for batch announce filtering.
- Registry contract written.
- Identity logic contract written.
- Beacon proxy and factory contracts written.